Al & Carol Branchi

Annual Award:
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Al Branchi was a proud member of Alpha Phi Delta and Beta Beta chapter. He passed away on February 21, 2022 at the young age of 80. Al is survived by his wife and frequent convention and gala attendee Carol, his son Christian, his grandchildren, nieces and nephews. Al was instrumental in the years leading up to the Centennial Celebration, assisting in many areas of planning for the Centennial and organizing the first-ever Alpha Phi Delta Gala. That Gala was Al's crowning achievement in Alpha Phi Delta which was attended by over 400 people and raised donation pledges of $323,000. Throughout his years as a brother, Al was very active with Beta Beta, and was associated with numerous alumni clubs: Lower Hudson Valley, New York, New Jersey, and Brooklyn to name a few. He frequently attended events at Beta Lambda and Psi chapter. Al truly embodied our pledge of permanent activity and support and was the embodiment of what it means to be an Alpha Phi Delta brother.