
Annual Award:
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Alpha Phi Delta is very proud of our military service. Nearly 2,000 brothers have served and 32 have given their lives in combat. Brothers have been engaged in every war since our founding. In fact, one of our founding fathers Joseph Cangiamila died in the Armed Forces of Canada while deployed in World War I for the British Empire. He was killed during a training mission in Great Britain.
Each year, we honor our military brothers with a reception at the National Convention and send a special thank you to those currently serving.
In 2014, we established one of our fastest growing scholarships, the Alpha Phi Delta Military Scholarship.
You too can join many of our brothers who have contributed a $1,000 memorial in the name of a father, grandfather, uncle or family member who has served. A $1,000 donation will put you in the Military Scholarship Leardership Circle.
For more information on supporting the Military Scholarship, contact