NYAC Albert E. Palazzo

Annual Award:
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This scholarship was endowed by the brothers of the New York Alumni Club (NYAC) in honor of one of Alpha Phi Delta’s most legendary members. Brother Palazzo was initiated into Theta Beta Chapter at NYU in 1946. As an alumnus he was constantly active in the New York Alumni Club and served as Chairman of the Third District Christmas Dance for many years. At the National level, he served as District Governor for six years and was elected to National Vice-President in 1972 and went on to become National President in 1974. Al was famous for the numerous cars he wore out during his thousands of miles traveling for the Fraternity in his four years as Vice President and President. He also served as National Treasurer from 1978-1980.
Al was also an original Trustee of the Alpha Phi Delta Foundation and served for many years as a Trustee for the Scholarship Division.
Al married Theodora (Dotty) Costanzo and they four children: three boys and one girl. His sons Vincent, Albert Jr. and Daniel are all brothers of Alpha Phi Delta. His daughter Jerianne married Art Pizza, a brother from Beta Xi and is active with the North Jersey Alumni Club. Al’s grandson, Arthur Pizza is a also brother of Alpha Phi Delta, initiated into Mu chapter at Cornell University.
Al received two prestigious awards as a brother:
Outstanding Alumnus in 1970
Lifetime Achievement Award in 2005
Al passed away on April 28, 2011. His impact on the fraternity is still felt today.